We’re here to connect you with the right people to integrate masonry into your project.
Our team is available to assist with everything from material selection and technical advisory to innovative solutions and cost estimates.
Founded in 1957, The Masonry Institute of America (MIA) is a promotion, technical and research organization established to improve and extend the use of masonry. Active in California and throughout the United States, MIA works to develop national building codes, promote new ideas and masonry work, improve existing building codes, conduct research projects, present design, construction and inspection seminars and write technical and non-technical papers, all for the purpose of improving the masonry industry.
Be a part of the evolution, the innovation, and the tradition. Make your mark on the world’s skyline, build pathways to a sustainable future, and uphold the esteemed heritage of masonry. Stay informed about trends, technology, and innovations in the masonry trade and learn how to take advantage of them to enhance your projects.